By Sarah Capay

Sarah Capay and other community members visiting by the church.
Whitefish Bay is a community of approximately 175 people, and is one of three communities which comprise Lac Seul First Nation. It is accessible by paved road. The community has a Christian school which was established in 1993 using the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum, and is still in operation. Next to the school is the community complex, which is then by the community church.
The church was built in 1996 and has had an extension added onto the sanctuary. This extension has three bedrooms, small living room, kitchen and two bathrooms with shower stalls. The roof of the church was renovated this summer, and other renovations such as a deck and storage shed are continuing. The sanctuary has baseboard heaters, and also a wood-burning stove that has been in use throughout the years. There is a sound system, musical instruments, TV, padded chairs, and carpet throughout the sanctuary. The foyer will be under construction, along with a new entrance door.
Before the pandemic, we had church services at 11 a.m. on Sundays, Sunday school, social gatherings, Bible Study, weddings, and hosted funerals, Christmas plays, Summer Bible School and other events.
We started out in 1993 with the Christian school with a pastor and his wife, and then the building of the church followed. There have been four couples who have pastored the community church since it was built. The church has not had a full time pastor in quite a few years, but the believers continue to gather.
We would like to have a full-time pastor to lead and guide the church body and community. The Christian school has been a wonderful influence to the community throughout the years, but there is a need for leadership in the body of Christ. With the support of the church body, our desire is for the community to find hope and restoration for spiritual needs, and experience God who can help them better their lives.
Sarah Capay is a community and church elder in Whitefish Bay.