Rob and Sharlene Dilts
Serving in: Golden Lake, Ontario
11179 Highway 60, Golden Lake, ON K0J 1X0
The Diltses focus on building welcoming and inclusive community learning through camps, gatherings, community partnerships, and relationships. They would most like to see God calling together a sacred family, spirit led followers of Creator Sets Free engaged in our communities. They would also like to see bridges built between people and communities.
Prayer Requests
- That, through the Spirit, people are able to forgive, be forgiven, and heal together as we learn to travel together well in right relations.
- For healing and breaking down the walls of fear and religion that the enemy has been building to separate people and communities, especially in the areas of spirituality and culture.
- For Indigenous, settler and other followers of Creator Sets Free, Jesus, to answer the call and travel with us in the ministry of reconciliation.
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Our Vision
That in every First Nations context the local church would reach its full potential—worshiping in full devotion, attracting the seekers, mobilizing believers, restoring families, changing communities, affecting the world.
Our Mission
To encourage and develop local churches that matter in our world.