Encouraging and Developing Local Churches that Matter

Our Mission

To encourage and develop local churches that matter in our world.

Our Vision

That in every First Nations context the local church would reach its full potential—worshiping in full devotion, attracting the seekers, mobilizing believers, restoring families, changing communities, affecting the world.

A Brief Introduction to LHNM

Latest News

Hopelines Dec 2024

In Thunder Bay, Rodney Martin is the Director of Public Relations. He writes, “In the past year I have met so many wonderful people. I have been opened to a side of Christianity that I have never been exposed to before. A very loving community, driven people devoted to missions, and helping people. Just to be able to witness this has been a highlight of my year.”

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2024 Year End Partnership Opportunities

Prayer Please pray for us as often as you remember us. In many places we are encountering a spiritual heaviness, and many of our staff often feel discouraged by the[…]

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Hopelines October 2024

Hospitality in Church
By Lila Graber

What does it look like to show hospitality at church? Life experiences are good teachers. Jesus’ words come to mind, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” I’ve appreciated warm welcomes when I’ve been a visitor. Less often, I’ve had those awkward, uncomfortable feelings of being an outsider when others either didn’t know how to engage or didn’t want to. Those experiences are important, too.  

Years ago, when my sister was in the hospital being treated for cancer, I went to be with her for a week. On Sunday, I looked online for a church to attend. Since I was in a completely unfamiliar community, I chose one that was on the route to the hospital. I’m sure it was a good service, but the most distinct memory is that afterward, people gathered in clusters to visit. It was not a large church, but no one spoke to me or greeted me. At the time, it seemed most comfortable to leave. Another memory is the kindness of strangers who invited our family to their home for a meal after the service on the first visit to their church.  

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An Invitation

It is a God-ordained privilege to work in partnerships that include both Canada’s First Peoples and those of other ethnic heritages. The history of European efforts to relate to these people groups is not entirely flattering – it is in some aspects shameful. Now, in our time, it seems imperative that peer relationships built upon trust and respect help to express what the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ means.

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Our Staff

We serve First Nations communities throughout Ontario in both urban and remote areas.

Kevin and Norma Moore


Nicholas Backlund

Pikangikum First Nation

Stuart and Delores Swartzentruber

Thunder Bay

Andrew and Kristin Lang Kalia, Samantha, Johnathan, Amelia

Thunder Bay

Colleen Estes

Pikangikum First Nation

Wendell and Lila Graber

Sault Ste. Marie

Jamie and Rhonda Thornton

Parry Sound

Beverly and Sebai Yaman Boaz, Zaccai, Galilee

Thunder Bay

Merle and Rita Nisly

Red Lake

Rodney and Betsy Martin

Thunder Bay

Our Associates

Associates are affiliated with Living Hope Native Ministries but are supported through other ministries or self supported.

Stan and Sally Bragg


Rob and Sharlene Dilts Jonathan

Golden Lake

Rob and Joy Weaver Abbey, Sam, Jude, Micah


Ken and Sondra Funk

Nipigon/Thunder Bay

LaMar and Janice Weaver

Red Lake

Our Board of Directors

Clarence Meekis

Clarence has a lifelong connection with the ministry agencies that have been active in northwestern Ontario. He currently works as an infrastructure specialist with Ontario First Nations Technical Services, in Thunder Bay, ON. He is an elder in the local church, New Hope Fellowship. He is married to Karyn, and is the father of three children.

David Traintinger

David and Wendy live in Nipigon, ON, where David works as a water treatment specialist for the city. They are the parents of three children, and several grandchildren. They are actively involved in the local church.

Eric Sinclair

Eric has served on the board for the past three years. He works as a Family Well-being Worker in Kenora, ON. He is married to Michelle, and is the father of two children. Eric and Michelle are actively involved in Kenora Bible Church.

Anthony Shapwaykeesic

Anthony and Roberta have 8 children and 21 grandchildren. They split their time between Thunder Bay and Whitesand First Nation near Armstrong. Anthony has worked in many contexts, currently as Family Advocate for Namaygoosisagagun First Nation. He loves fishing, hunting, berry picking, anything outdoors.

Matthew Funk

Matt grew up in Red Lake and Thunder Bay. He is now living in PA with his wife and 4 daughters, one of whom is now married. Matt served as an associate pastor for 11 years at Buffalo Community Church and is now working full-time as an insurance agent. (United States Board)

Eldo Miller

Eldo Miller has a lifelong connection to Northwestern Ontario and to the missions agencies there. He works as a travel agent with Golden Rule Travel in Hutchinson, Kansas. He and his wife, Dorcas, are active in their local church. They have seven children. (United States Board)

Sheldon Swartzentruber

Sheldon and Sylvia Swartzentruber live in Greenwood, DE. Sheldon serves on the USA board of LHNM. They have a long relationship with ministries in northwestern Ontario, and are also very active in church and local ministries in their home area. (United States Board)