A quarterly publication presenting news and stories of Living Hope Native Ministries, a partnership dedicated to serving the First Nations of Ontario.
Join the Team!
Do you feel called to share God's love with children and teens? Two communities have openings for people who are
willing to serve by assisting with established ministries for young people.
Two churches are looking for people to join them in serving and strengthening the local fellowship of believers. The ideal candidate is willing to serve, learn from, and care for the church in a small town setting.
We look forward to sharing more information with you when you Contact Us about these openings.
This is the Church
By Rodney Martin

Rodney, Andrew, Marcus and Julie (from Mapleview Mennonite Church, they help to organize and put on summer VBS program in Pikangikum)
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, (Ephesians 2:3-5)
During the months of March and April of 2024, I had the good fortune of traveling to meet with a number of partners and churches both in Canada and the US. I went only as far west as Morson Manitoba and east to Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury Ontario, then south to Orillia and Peterborough then across to Wellesley in the southern part of Ontario. My trip continued from there to Buffalo Community Church in Pennsylvania, and down to Delaware before traveling over to Rosedale Bible College in Columbus. From there we made our way back home with a quick stop in Indiana. One thing I discovered is that I am not a rockstar, that is way too much traveling. The last few hours I struggled to stay awake. I was so tired. I kid of course.
But honestly, during my time of travel I met a lot of wonderful people who have blessed me with their stories and encouragement. I met with a native Pastor, who wanted to bring food to the native communities in the north. And God provided the food, not only that, but God also provided the way of transportation. An airline told the pastor we will transport the food up north for you for free, if you can bring the food to us. Another person told the pastor if you can find transportation to the airport, I’ll provide the gas. And soon other people were volunteering to help. See what God can do when you look out for the interest of others.
At another location, I heard a story of a church member whose house was burnt down and they had lost everything. And his church family got her together and built him a new house. Now for me, this is what the church family should look like. We should be looking after each other and helping those in need.
And in other places, people would build their homes for the purpose of helping people who are passing through. Others would always make sure to have a spare room available just for that purpose.
And I heard other wonderful stories of people's sacrifice and love for each other. And I thought to myself, how great that would be if every church looked after each other in this way. Just as the scripture says, do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant. Even in the native communities in the past, when a family didn’t have a boat, the community came together and built a canoe for that family. So that no one in the community would lack, and that everyone would have the provisions they needed to survive. That in my mind is what the church should be doing, and itI was awesome to see that some still are.
To see updates on our staff,
check out our new Staff Page!
A Time for Prayer
By:Andrew Lang
Have you ever felt like there’s not enough time to do everything you need to do?
With 4 kids, a couple jobs and a house to build there’s no end to the demands on my time. On our staff prayer retreat this year we discussed “the ruthless elimination of hurry” and the line that stuck out to me the most was… “are you too busy to follow Jesus?”.
In ministry it’s easy to get busy doing things for God that you forget to spend time with him. Or we get caught going through the motions and not connecting on the level that we so desperately need.
As you read through and pray over the staff of Living Hope, pray that we would connect with Jesus each day, that our hearts would be filled to overflowing with his love and That we would be able to say to those that we are interacting with, follow me as I follow Jesus.
Our Board of Directors
Pray for the God’s guidance for the LHNM Administration and Board of Directors: Andrew Lang, Executive Director; Clarence Meekis, Chairman; Rodney Martin, Treasurer; Wendell Graber, Secretary; Executive Council,Merle Nisly, ; Albert James, Anthony Shapwaykeesic, Eric Sinclair, and David Traintinger. US board members: Sheldon Swartzentruber, Matt Funk, Eldo Miller. Pray for wisdom regarding LHNM program and vision and expansion discussions. View the Board of Directors Page.