Important News for our LHNM Family

By Clarence Meekis, LHNM Board Chair

Stuart and Delores Swartzentruber have been serving us faithfully and with passion and dedicated commitment for the last few years in what has been an agreed upon position as interim Executive Director. At the last LHNM Board meeting in November 2021, Stuart informed the board that they will be ending the active leadership work and position of Executive Director on November 1, 2022.

Stuart would like to give more of his energy to local church settings, networking, and relationships. The LHNM Board supports Stuart and Delores in this decision and holds them both in the highest regard for their decades-long service with LHNM in so many capacities.

By God’s grace, we feel that in many ways LHNM has done well through COVID amid all the difficulties. Stuart and Delores express ongoing appreciation for the privilege of leading the LHNM’s staff team. They highly value the team’s commitment and faithfulness in their local settings.

Please pray for Stuart and Delores as they continue to lead us for the days ahead and especially pray for the LHNM Board in the search for executive leadership for LHNM. We all desire to keep moving ahead and stay in sync with where God wants the organization to be.