
Hopelines June 2020

By Stuart Swartzentruber

I am grateful for this opportunity to introduce our staff at LHNM. Each one has a passion for seeing God’s kingdom expand in First Nations settings across Ontario. Church often happens in slower, smaller, incarnational contexts for us. We believe this setting best meets the need for building trust and community life in our corner of the kingdom. What is needed or required in your corner?

LHNM Office at the Right Location for This Time

By Stuart Swartzentruber

For over fifty years, Northern Light Gospel Mission, Impact North Ministries, and Living Hope Native Ministries had their offices and headquarters in Red Lake, ON. In September of 2018 LHNM moved those offices to Thunder Bay, ON. Why? According to Statistics Canada, in 1960 only 12 percent of First Nations individuals lived in Canadian cities. Today that number is close to 60 percent.

Hopelines March 2020

This issue of Hopelines is focused on Thunder Bay, with the desire that God will receive glory for the work he is doing in this city. Each story highlights a different angle of God moving and working in Thunder Bay.

Maturing into Diversity

By Stuart Swartzentruber

Most of us celebrate diversity most of the time. We drive long distances to see the brilliant colours of the oak, maple, birch, poplar or evergreen trees. Through human intervention we can now enjoy over 7500 varieties of apples in our world!

Hopelines December 2019

by Ken Funk and Rhonda Slaubaugh

In this issue we give you a glimpse into the lives and activities of the Living Hope Native Ministries staff team. These are the faithful labourers who have sacrificially given their lives to Kingdom-first living, and bringing the powerful message of redemption to those in their place of calling.


By Stuart Swartzentruber

FaceTime was introduced by Apple in 2010. This technology allowed individuals who were kilometres (miles for the non-metric world) or continents apart to connect face to face through their smart phones….

Hopelines September 2019

Infectious Joy in Weagamow

By Michael Nowling

With tongue in cheek, we always ask the people going to northwestern Ontario to pack a flexible attitude. Generally speaking, it is not possible to travel 1700 miles by bus and plane without encountering a few logistical hurdles…

Restored, but for What?

By Stuart Swartzentruber

Tractors were a necessity on the dairy farm where I grew up. For small tasks around the farm, we had an old 8N Ford tractor. It seemed old when I was born and was ancient when I left home at 19. I have many sentimental memories of that tractor….

Hopelines July 2019

A large forest fire this spring threatened the Pikangikum First Nation and forced an evacuation by air to many host communities. The nearly 4,000 hectare fire was only several kilometers away from the community and took two weeks to bring under control. Pray for rain as another fire is causing another evacuation in July. North…
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Hopelines March 2019

A Place to Belong Stuart Swartzentruber Growing up with six siblings in my family meant that as we gathered for supper every evening, all nine of us had our spot around the table. I distinctly remember sitting on the long bench between my brothers, joining in the conversations about everyone’s day. I felt included, cared…
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