Stuart Swartzentruber

Stuart Swartzentruber
Executive Director
In the December 2018 issue of Hopelines, the theme of transition at Living Hope Native Ministries seems to permeate everything. But although there are changes, much remains the same. We have a dedicated staff team committed to encouraging and developing local churches that matter in our world. We continue looking for ways to partner together to build up First Nations leaders and communities. We also remain committed to staying engaged with those who support us through personnel, prayer, and financial support.
My wife, Delores, and I have been privileged to be a part of LHNM for many years. For the last 26 years, our focus has been in Sudbury, being a part of Sudbury First Nations Church. We have enjoyed partnering in leadership with friends from different cultures and church backgrounds. It has been a rich experience for us as we moved out of our comfort zone and saw life through different lenses. We are excited about the opportunity to serve LHNM in this new leadership role in Thunder Bay, where we get to experience yet another part of Ontario where God is building his church.
One of my greatest passions is encouraging local churches to impact their communities by involvement in meaningful relationships, and by living out the message of Jesus. This message offers far beyond what the society around us can offer. We are one part of God’s amazing kingdom, which will one day fill the whole earth!