Kingdom Builders Conference

We are so excited to be hosting First-Nations believers and others who want to be involved in encouraging and strengthening First-Nations believers.

Register below so we know you’re planning on coming and we can prepare for the meals over the weekend. One form per participant, please.

Accommodations are not provided. Meals are Friday dinner, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Registration is free. If you’d like to support the conference, you can send donations ahead of time to There will be an opportunity for a free will offering at the conference as well.

We hope this event will encourage and equip you.


October 6th
Dinner Feast
Evening Session “How to look at any job or career as ministry”
Discussion Groups (small groups talk about what was learned in the session, question sheet from speaker)

October 7th
Morning Prayer together
Morning Session “Making disciples at work”
Breakout Session (Mental Health and Christianity) (Discipleship @ Work) (Church and Community Life) (Loneliness)(Faith and Culture) (any other topics people would like to discuss)(Healing from Trauma/residential schools)


Networking Session, Divide up into groups (nurses, teachers, community leaders, Pastors, etc.) to talk about issues related to what you are facing
Free time till dinner (hang out with other people from the conference and do things together, practice being intentional with conversation as you go shopping, see the sights, or explore

Closing Session
The Kingdom Of God
Corporate Worship

Cost: free will offerings accepted to cover the cost of the event