By Andrew Lang
Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus has very explicit instructions for us here; he commands us to go, a call that isn’t tied to spiritual gifting or skills. This is a universal command for all of us who believe. We must all be active in spreading God’s word. It doesn’t mean we have to go far, but we do need to be an active agent in bringing the word of truth to those in the world. It also commands us to make disciples, NOT converts but disciples…Jesus doesn’t let us off easily here. We’re not called to convert people and baptize them and run away. We need to be committed to walking alongside those with whom we share the good news, so that we can train them up, teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us to do.
This seems like a big task, doesn’t it? The good news is that Jesus didn’t leave us with the Great Commission and return to heaven without empowering us with his Spirit. He continually convicts, guides, and nurtures us into the people Jesus wants us to become. As a ministry, LHNM is committed to walking alongside people in a discipling relationship. It will take longer and be less flashy than large campaigns with emotional altar calls that ask people to make commitments without weighing the cost. What we hope to see as a result of our ministry work is strong, faithful Indigenous believers who make more disciples within their local communities and circles of influence. I’m convinced that we are on the precipice of seeing big things from God in the lives of people around us.
Would you prayerfully consider how you might get more involved with us at LHNM? We have a need for staff and resources right now. If you’re reading this and the Spirit is stirring you, please don’t ignore it. Please seek God and ask him how he would like you to get more involved with us today. You’re not off the hook if you don’t feel called to get more involved with LHNM right now. I believe God is calling all of us to make disciples wherever we are, so I challenge you to stop and pray and ask God to open your eyes to the opportunities that he has prepared for you. I hope you will be encouraged to see God at work all around you as you trust and obey him more every day.