Special News Bulletin from Living Hope Native Ministries
Walking Forward Together
by Clarence Meekis, Chairman of the Board

Clarence and Karyn Meekis and family live in Thunder Bay
Greetings from the Living Hope Board of Directors. Along with our annual prayer focus issue of this publication, the board has important news that we want to share with you. We certainly ask for continued prayer support for our entire team as we walk forward together.
Executive Director position
As you may know, Merle and Rita Nisly have been planning for some years to finish day-to-day leadership at Living Hope by the end of October, 2018.
The board is excited to announce that Stuart and Delores Swartzentruber have agreed to fill an interim Executive Director position as we continue the search for a permanent Executive Director. Please continue to pray with us as we continue to search for an excellent candidate.
Administration Office location
The board has also initiated steps to complete a move of the administrative office location from Red Lake to Thunder Bay, Ontario. The idea for this move has been discussed for some time, especially in consideration of a new executive leader, along with our current widespread ministry locations across the province. Thunder Bay has a large, growing, First Nations population and also serves as a hub for education and medical facilities-while maintaining reasonable access to remote northern Ontario. We plan to keep the Red Lake office property for the foreseeable future.
April 2018
Living Hope will be hosting a ministry banquet and program event in New Holland, Pennsylvania on Friday April 6. We look forward to engaging with many of the Living Hope ‘family’ at this event.
October 2018
As a matter of interest, we also plan to host an all staff and board gathering in Red Lake, Ontario, from October 25-27, 2018. This event will include our annual staff conference (Advance) meetings, Living Hope Board meetings, as well as a special celebration event highlighting our leadership transition.
Be Encouraged!
Ephesians 2:1-10 – God desires to “show” you as an “exhibition” of His grace! Follow Paul’s flow of writing and thinking: We were dead, but God has made us alive and raised us up with Christ! We all deserved the wrath of the Father, but now are saved by grace. And why did He do this? Verse 7, “…In order that in the coming ages he might SHOW the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” Yes! God does want to show what you have been committed to as a display of His abundant grace; all as we surrender to His leading and direction.
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