Former Staff Of Residential Schools


Are you a Former Staff Member of one of the Mennonite run residential schools?

Are you interested to join an honest ongoing conversation about the effects that the schools had on yourself, other staff, students and the communities around them?

We invite you to spend some time exploring the resources below, it contains historical documents, personal tetimonies, and resources that will be helpful for you to learn the context of mennonite run residentail school within the broader residental school context. if you’re wanting to get involved in the conversation about your role in the schools reach out and contact us.


Looking for more information?

There has been a lot of newsworthy items produced, apologies issues and resources developed since the close of the residential schools

We have spent some time compiling a selection of resources from different perspectives that will allow you to learn more about the schools, what happened since their close and what we’re currently doing to address issues and have open conversation about the schools.


For Broader Context and Historical Background on Residential schools in Canada:

Honouring the Truth Reconciling for the FutureNational Centre For Truth And Reconciliation